To capture a phrase by a friend of mine, “It’s been a minute” since I’ve had time to get back to the blog. Between the little Covidventure we had at our house, and the general craziness of life, its been hard to settle down and blog. My writing time is far more limited than it was in my post layoff, unemployed days (of which I am tremendously thankful). When I do get to write, I struggle with whether it should be blog time or book time. I have projects I still want to finish, but I have this blog I feel a need to give a certain amount of time to as well. I guess it’s all about managing time.
Time is an interesting subject, one I’ve explored periodically over the years. Much like air, you can’t grab on to time or hold it within your grasp. Although we try to measure time in seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, and years, in some ways it is relative. For example, the length of a minute when you are enjoying yourself appears much shorter than a minute when faced with a tremendous task or difficulty. In reality, of course, it’s not; a minute is sixty seconds whether you like them or not.
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